Brush Tree

We cannot offer pictures of snow-covered cars, roads or houses but instead a few pictures of flowering bushes and trees in our garden.
It is really difficult to get into a Christmas mood while sitting on the terrace in 30 degree temperatures. Besides, there is little recognisable Christmas decoration in Uganda; the only indication of Christmas approaching is the roads are more jammed than usual. For a 5km journey normally requiring 30 minutes, (which is already a long time for such short distances), in the last few days the same trip has exceeded an hour.
Uganda is a little like Europe, with its tradition of visiting and meeting family over Christmas, so Kampala will empty over the next couple of days: few cars, hardly any pedestrians. Most people are visiting their families in the villages and we will be finally able to sleep through two successive nights as the surrounding night clubs will be closed. With a little luck nobody will get married in the neighbourhood either!
This evening we are visiting friends and have chicken lined up for dinner (the Ugandan alternative to turkey or goose) and tomorrow evening will will enjoy a posh buffet at the Serena hotel (and if we are absolutely lucky they may have some imported turkey).
Finally, we wish a Merry Christmas and happy celebrations in our circle of loved ones and friends, lots of snow to you all, and a fat Christmas goose/turkey on your table (which we cannot get here at all, not even with bribes!). Our substitutes are things like a garden full of red roses in December.
Many greetings to snow-covered Europe from the country with 365 days of summer…Uganda!